
Physicians, Want to Easily Improve Your Bottom Line?

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When starting a laser tattoo removal business, having an office and a client base are two factors critical to your success. Thus, laser tattoo treatments are a perfect fit for physicians, who have existing office space and a list of patients cultivated over the years.


We have put together some information for physicians that are considering adding laser tattoo removal to their practice.


A Procedure That Is Always in Demand

Laser tattoo removal is always in demand. Given the popularity of tattoos, there is no shortage of people that have tattoos that they can no longer stand. Potential reasons include a person not wanting to remember an ex whose face they have tattooed on their arm or the tattoo just not looking good anymore due to fading or other reasons.

You Already Have Potential Clients

How many of your current patients have tattoos? According to The Harris Poll, 29 percent of Americans have tattoos, and the number keeps rising. So, if your practice serves the average American, then that means that 3 out of every ten patients could potentially be candidates for tattoo removal. Also, your current patients are more likely to trust you to perform the service because they are established with your practice already.

Easy Learning Curve and Little Regulation

Tattoo removal is not very difficult to learn, especially for professionals that already have medical training, such as nurses and other clinic staff. It is a non-invasive procedure that isn’t very involved. It also takes very little time to perform, making it perfect for a fast-paced practice.

The vast majority of states do not require tattoo removal clinic owners or laser operators to have medical credentials (eg. physician or nurse status.) In fact, non-medical personnel make up the bulk of individuals active in the laser tattoo removal industry.

There are, however, a few exceptions to this rule, but the most common regulations include some combination of the following requirements:

  • Use of an FDA cleared device for the removal of tattoos.
  • A physician medical director affiliated with the practice.
  • A certified laser operator with at least 16 hours of hands-on training.
  • A laser operator with laser safety training and certification.

No Insurance Claims to Fill Out

Billing insurance for procedures is a huge hassle. Often claims get denied, which leaves you with the hassle of trying to collect payment from the patient after the fact. Another undesirable circumstance: you may have to submit a claim multiple times to get paid. However, because insurance doesn’t cover tattoo removal, you won’t have to file an insurance claim. You are paid up front, which eliminates the amount of red tape that you have to go through to get paid.

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