
Features to Look for When Purchasing a Laser Hair Removal Device

Whether you’re looking to start a laser hair removal business or want to expand your aesthetic practice or medical spa with this high-demand treatment, purchasing a suitable hair removal machine is a crucial step. Like with anything, there are certain things to consider before committing to a big purchase, especially one that will define your business’s success.

To help make your laser purchasing process as seamless as ever, we’ve highlighted the top three features to look for when researching which laser hair removal to invest in. This article talks about the importance of speed, skin type treatability, and why overlooking service is a mistake you don’t want to make.

Need for Speed

We live in a day and age where everything is fast-paced. Aesthetic consumers and patients especially rely on near-instant gratification and need treatments that fit their speedy lifestyles and schedules. Not only do they want and need speed, they expect it. We’re not talking about quick customer service (although it goes without saying that fast response times are a must for great lead nurturing); we’re talking about fast treatment times.

One of the essential characteristics of a laser hair removal device is spot size. A laser with a larger spot size can drastically reduce treatment times and allow you to book more customers in a day versus a laser with a smaller spot size. Furthermore, a larger spot size leads to deeper penetration into the skin for higher treatment efficacy on the deepest follicles.

The Asclepion MeDioStar, backed by Astanza Laser, features the most prominent spot size on the market at 10 cm2. Laser hair removal practitioners can treat large areas like the chest, back, and full legs in as little as 4 minutes with this impressive Monolith XL handpiece, saving both you and your clients’ time while delivering long-lasting hair removal results.

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Treat All Skin Types

Treating customers of all skin types is necessary if you want to be the leading laser hair removal provider in your area. Turning away a client for any reason is never a good thing, especially for not being able to safely treating their skin tone. When hair removal technology was first introduced, only patients with lighter skin types could receive treatment.

patient skin type

Patients with darker skin types experienced unwanted side effects, hypopigmentation, burns, and more. While older technology like that is still used to this day, the introduction of newer technology, varied wavelength capabilities, integrated skin cooling, and more have made laser hair removal safer and accessible for patients of all skin types. The MeDioStar diode laser uses a unique 810 nm long pulse wavelength to ensure optimal melanin absorption while protecting the surrounding skin tissue. In fact, not only can all skin types be treated with the MeDioStar, but even newly tanned skin can receive impeccable treatments and results with this revolutionary technology!

In addition to treating all skin types and removing most hair types regardless of their texture or color, the MeDioStar features an integrated 360º contact skin cooling system that immediately cools the skin before each treatment pulse, a feature that all patients adore. The MeDioStar’s TAPER technology also ensures an even distribution of energy over the treatment area and prevents the formation of hot spots and unwanted side effects.

Reliable Service

Last but not least, when researching which laser hair removal device to purchase, it’s essential not to overlook the type of service support that comes with your laser. In the occurrence of a malfunction, laser hiccup, or emergency, you’ll want immediate, reliable support to make sure your laser is back up and running with little downtime.

While most manufacturers have in-house technicians that can attend to your laser, not all do. In fact, a handful of manufacturers outsource or hire third-party technicians with little knowledge of the device or slow response times. Nothing is more discouraging to you, your business, and your clients than having a laser system that can’t be repaired promptly.

Astanza is an award-winning laser manufacturer with rapid turnaround times, ‘round the clock support via phone, email, travel, and unparalleled customer service. Our clients can attest to our professionalism and attention to detail. Our service engineers are highly skilled and knowledgeable Biomedical Engineers who train and onboard each of our customers whenever they purchase a laser.

Purchasing the right laser hair removal for your aesthetic practice is an important and exciting step for your business’s success. We hope these three tips help give you a clearer idea of what to look for. For more tips on starting a laser hair removal business, be sure to check out our on-demand webinar, Adding Laser Hair Removal to a Salon or Non-Medical Aesthetic Business, and download our FREE eBook, Expanding Your Aesthetic Business with Laser Hair Removal. For more information on the MeDioStar laser or to get connected with an Astanza representative, contact us today!

download the free ebook about expanding an aesthetic business by adding laser hair removal

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